ZeroWater Review and Water Filter Experiment

ZeroWater Review

ZeroWater Review

Water – without it , we don’t live…and to much can kill you. Balance is the key to life. Check out my ZeroWater Review below.

H2O is a miracle element. It is the only element on the periodic table that is able to manifest into 3 forms – a liquid, a gas, and a solid. Our bodies are estimated to be anywhere from 50% – 75% water. With that high of a percentage I think we need to give it some attention, especially concerning our health.

Speaking from experience, I have come to realize the extreme importance the part that water plays is our overall health. About 15 years ago, when I was about 37 years old, I had my first run in with the dreaded Kidney Stone! Ahgg! (More on Kidney Health) It’s the closet thing a man can have to giving birth. LOL! I was able to catch the kidney stone when it passed in order to have it analyzed by the doctor. The result – mostly formed from a calcium deposit and it crystallized mainly as a result of being dehydrated. Also, at that time, and before I knew what I know now about healthy, organic living, I LOVED dairy products, such as milk and ice cream (still like ice cream – hard one to give up, but I look for the one’s with the fewest ingredients and the ones without “anti-freeze” in it – more on that in a future blog post), and lets not forget the power of cheese. I loved it so much, I was close to drinking a gallon of milk within 2-3 days at a time.  Outside of that, though, was the advice from my physician. Now he did suggest to cut back on the calcium rich foods and drinks, but the biggest and life changing words of advice was to drink PLENTY of WATER!

ZeroWater ContestImagine that! A doctor that suggested something other than a pharmaceutical prescription medication (with it’s long list of “potential” side effects) and as simple as water. Go figure. Well…that went without saying as a turning point in my overall health. From that day forward water and I became the best of friends.

Unfortunately, this was the day before I knew about all the contamination that is in our water supply, either from the tap or the bottled waters on the market (and before understanding the potential dangers of BPA in the plastic of the water bottles and about fluoride poisoning). As time rolled on, I researched and studied more of what was necessary to make more ed

ucated , healthy decisions.

About a little over a year ago, a friend of mine told me about this water that was filtered through this machine and mot only filtered it, but raised the pH level to help raise the acidic pH levels that are usually found in our bodies as a result of eating the processed and chemically induced foods that line our grocery store shelves. It was a called a Kangen Water ionizer. He used to fill up my 5 gallon water cooler jug for me, and from the first day, I noticed it having an effect on my body. I was able to get it from him for about six months and during that time I noticed a difference in my health. I look into the getting my own machine, the cost factor restricted my ability to purchase it (around $4000).

After that I found a local health food store that was letting us bring in containers to be filled with Kangen Water for a small monthly fee. Just recently, they went up to $30/month, which made me look into other alternatives, as I was only getting from 10-15 gallons a month and for $30/month I could probably by my own machine of some kind.

Until that day happens, I stumbled across a review of 10 different water filtration devices (all table top/pitcher style) that rated and checked the level of contaminants found in the water after filtration. Out of the ten (which included water filters like Pur, Brita, etc. ) ZeroWater was rated the best, removing 95-100% of the most common contaminants.

Without any futher ado, here is my own independent ZeroWater review:

The water filter system that I purchased was the ZeroWater 23 cup dispenser

ZeroWater ZD-018 23-Cup Water Dispenser and Filtration System

ZeroWater Review

After unpacking and washing the container, I proceeded to add water to 3 separate bowls: Tap Water, Deer Park, and a new item I saw in the grocery store, Alkaline 88 water.

Zero Water Test

The first test I wanted to perform was a quick Ph level test of each of the water samples. In the image below you can see the results of that water test (Ph levels are appraximate):

  • Tap Water: 7.25 -7.5
  • Alkaline 88: 5.5 – 5.75
  • Deer Park: 7.5 – 8.0

Amazingly, the water that claims to an average 8.8 Ph (at the time of bottling) actually had the worst test results for Ph level. Tap water cane in second, actually scoring pretty high, much to my surprise. The winner on the Ph level was actually Deer Park.

water ph test for acidity or alkalinity

From that point I measured the contamination level of each of the water samples using the meter included with the ZeroWater filter product.    Below are the individual test results for each sample:

tap water contaminants

As you can see, the tap water registered at a level 165

deer park water contaminants

Even though Deer Park scored the best on the Ph, it came in a even tie with the tap water on the level of contaminants coming in at 165 as well.

alkaline 88 water contaminants

The last test for the Alkaline 88 Bottled Water scored the overall best in the contaminant score. coming in at 096.

Now comes to were the rubber meets the road test – will my ZeroWater review live up to its name?

I proceeded to pour the Deer Park water into the top of the ZeroWater filter upper bin and let it drip fill the bottom reservoir. Then I got another bowl, put some water from the zero water container, and the result is:

zero water meter test for contaminants

BAM! I was pleasantly elated to see that it scored a ZERO!! Just like they claim. They even state that after running your water through the filter, that if you do not get a ZERO reading, to contact them.

Conclusion – if you are looking for a good water filter system that is inexpensive and actually works, then the ZeroWater Filter system is the ticket.

As a personal favor, if you currently don’t have one or are looking to bless someone with a gift, please consider purchasing the ZeroWater system from my website affiliate link to help support my time and commitment to bringing you great information on Naturally Healthy Cures. Just click on any of the ZeroWater review links on this page or click the image below to go to Amazon or Walmart to purchase.

ZeroWater review Filter



Additional Resources:

Check out this cool device that I found on YouTube. Great to have for camping, hiking, or just in case of an emergency.



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